Dr. Soma Mandal

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True Or False? The Top 3 Menopause Myths Demystified

“The annoying thing is that nobody talks about the menopause. Why is that? It happens to literally every woman in the world, and yet we're all embarrassed about it."

~~Karen Barber


There is probably no other phase of a woman’s life more shrouded in mystery than menopause – the “change of life”. We all grow up hearing about it…sort of. We hear the whispered remarks about the odd antics of a family matriarch or aunt “going through the change”. What does that mean? We secretly wonder if it will happen to us. Will we really lose our minds? Scary stuff!

The fact is, menopause is a natural part of a woman’s life. It is the culmination of a biological process that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years. The word menopause comes from the Greek menos+pausisand literally means “monthly pause”. But the process actually begins years before that final period. It is that time that people most often associate with menopause.

Perhaps there is so much mystery and myth surrounding menopause because for so long it was misunderstood. Historically, discussion of women’s reproductive issues was taboo and only whispered about. Women experiencing menopausal symptoms were considered “hysterical”, undesirable and even bewitched!  It is only in the late 19thcentury that the medical world really started to understand what was happening! 

Even today, a number of myths surround this very normal process in a woman’s life. Let’s take the mystery out of some of the biggest myths out there! 

Myth 1: Your Period Will Suddenly Stop One Day

Fact:While menopause is technically the end of your period, the process actually starts years before. As you enter mid-life, your body starts the process of shutting down its child-bearing functions. Hormones begin to change. You’ll start to notice bodily changes including changes in your period. This time is known as perimenopause. Over time your period will become more irregular. Eventually it stops. Menopause is officially confirmed when you have not had a period for twelve consecutivemonths. 

Myth 2: Hot Flashes Are Inevitable and There’s Nothing You Can Do About It

Fact: The good news is, not all women experience hot flashes. Estimates vary but about 3% of women don’t experience noticeable hot flashes at all. For those that do, about 17% experience mild symptoms. About 80% of women will experience moderate to severe hot flashes.1

So even though you might have hot flashes, even severe ones, there are things you can do to lessen their bother: 

·      Wear light weight, breathable clothing

·      Dress in layers

·      Stay calm – practice deep breathing, meditate

·      Carry a small, portable fan

·      Be mindful of things known to trigger hot flashes such as caffeine, alcohol or spicy foods

·      Carry cooling, moist towelettes 

Myth 3: Your Sex Life Is O-V-E-R

Fact: Au contraire! Many women report having some of the best sex of their lives. Gone are the days of cramps and periods and risk of pregnancy. Mature women describe feeling more confident in their bodies and more open to asking for what they want and need from a partner. 

It is true, your body will undergo changes. Things aren’t quite as firm as they used to be. That’s ok, no one’s is. We are more prone to vaginal dryness thanks to the loss of estrogen. The good news there is that there are topical remedies that can do wonders. Your healthcare provider can help you choose the right one for your needs.

Menopause doesn’t have to be a mystery. The key to getting through happy and healthy is to understand what is happening in your body, arm yourself with factual information and do things that bring you comfort and happiness. Your menopause, your way.  


1. Freeman, E. W., Sammel, M. D., & Sanders, R. J. (2014). Risk of long-term hot flashes after natural menopause: evidence from the Penn Ovarian Aging Study cohort. Menopause (New York, N.Y.), 21(9), 924–932.