Dr. Soma Mandal

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Screen Time: The Good, The Bad, and The Balanced – A Guide for Parents

As parents in the digital age, we constantly grapple with the right balance of screen time for our kids. In this blog post, we will delve into the pros and cons of screen time for children and share practical strategies to manage it effectively.


Whether it's television, YouTube, or video games, screens are everywhere and a big part of our kids’ lives. But how much is too much? And what are the effects of excessive screen time on our kids? Let's explore the concerns, the benefits, and ultimately, how to achieve a balanced approach.

The Concerns of Excessive Screen Time

Physical Health Impacts

Prolonged screen time often translates to less physical activity. Studies have shown a direct correlation between increased screen time and higher rates of childhood obesity. The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with melatonin production, the hormone responsible for sleep, leading to difficulty falling asleep and poor sleep quality. Additionally, extended screen time can cause digital eye strain, resulting in headaches, blurred vision, and discomfort.

Cognitive and Emotional Effects

Excessive screen time has been linked to attention problems and shorter attention spans. Children who spend more time on screens, especially social media, are more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and lower self-esteem. Kids immersed in virtual worlds often miss out on important social interactions, potentially hindering their social skills and development. There’s also evidence suggesting that exposure to violence or inappropriate content can increase aggression and behavioral problems.

The Benefits of Screen Time

Educational Value

When used in moderation and with the right content, screen time can offer substantial benefits. Educational apps and programs can enhance learning, offering interactive ways to develop skills in math, reading, andscience. The internet is a treasure trove of information, allowing kids to explore new subjects, learn languages, and expand their knowledge beyond the classroom. However, it's essential for parents to monitor their children's online activity to ensure they are accessing appropriate and safe content.

Creative Development

Apps that encourage drawing, music creation, and storytelling can foster creativity. Certain video games can enhance problem-solving skills and cognitive flexibility. For children with family or friends who live far away, video calls and social media can help maintain relationships, providing emotional support and a sense of belonging, particularly for those who might feel isolated.

Strategies for Balanced Screen Time

Promote Outdoor Activities

Encourage nature walks, visits to parks, or hikes. Simple activities like taking a walk around the neighborhood can significantly reduce screen time. Enroll your kids in sports teams or group activities such as soccer, basketball, swimming, or dance to ensure they get the needed social interaction.

Creative and Educational Alternatives

Set up a craft station with supplies for drawing, painting, and building. Encourage your children to learn a musical instrument or participate in a local theater group. Regular trips to the library for books of their choice can stimulate a love for reading. Utilize science kits, puzzles, and board games to make learning fun and interactive.

Family Involvement

Involve your kids in meal preparation, teaching them valuable skills while providing quality family time. Introduce yoga and meditation practices to help them relax and stay mindful. Starting a small garden can teach responsibility and allow them to care for living plants.


Balancing screen time is about setting boundaries and providing alternative activities that engage and enrich your children's lives. Remember, it’s not about eliminating screens entirely, but finding a healthy balance. By encouraging a mix of activities, we can help our children develop physically, mentally, and socially in a well-rounded way.

Thank you for joining me on this journey to raise healthy, happy kids in the digital age. If you found this post helpful, please like, share on social media, and listen to my podcast Let’s work together to create a balanced digital environment for our children.