How to Remain Calm Regarding Your Health
We’ve all been there. An abnormal lab, a lump or bump, a scan that shows something “atypical”.
As an internist, I often deal with patients and relatives who are often very anxious about the uncertain. Lots of portal messages, phone calls. You know what I mean. I too have dealt with the uncertain. It’s really not fun.
Health anxiety is a common mental health condition that can cause excessive worry about your health. It can lead to a number of physical and emotional symptoms such as:
muscle tension
difficulty with concentration and focus
panic attacks
joint pains
If you’re struggling with health anxiety and are constantly Googling your symptoms or excessively worried about your health, it’s important to seek help from a qualified mental health professional.
Here’s what you can also do:
Stop Googling. Let’s face it, the internet will always give us the worst answer that we want to hear. If you google “fatigue” or “headache”, inevitably the word cancer will come up.
Talk to your doctor, but in a calm, reasonable way. Sending a dozen messages or phone calls where doctors are very busy will not lead you to the answers you are seeking. Take the time to make an appointment or schedule a virtual visit.
Practice relaxation techniques: yoga, meditation, exercise. Just taking a walk will help.
Focus on good sleep
Connect with family and friends that you know will remain calm, reasonable and supportive.
Challenge your negative thoughts. For each negative thought, focus on a positive one.
Focus on the present. Most of anxiety is worrying about what will happen in the future. None of us know what the future will bring.
Practice gratitude: Focus on the good things in your life.
Take one day at a time