Dr. Soma Mandal

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Getting Through The Holidays

The holidays are upon us and you know what that means – planning and shopping and parties and holiday guests. Toss in work, kids and partners and you’re a one-woman juggling act! 

This time of year is fun and festive but honestly, it’s stressful too. Stress can create all kinds of trouble for us: fatigue, irritability, anxiety, insomnia. And for us menopausal ladies, you know, too much stress can invite a visit from those pesky hot flashes.

Feeling stressed out makes it really hard to enjoy the fun and leaves you drained. This holiday season, make a choice to say no to stressed out with these tips for managing holiday stress. 

1. Downsize

It’s not the size of the celebration but the people you’re celebrating with. Do you really have to bake 7 different pies? Are you really up for that mad dash between houses and multiple meals again this year? Choose to do some of the things you love and can manage. Remember, the details of the celebrations will fade. What will remain are the memories you create. Be present for them.

2. Delegate

One of the hardest things to do is ask for help, especially if you’re traditionally the one who does it all. We don’t want to bother anyone. We feel responsible for certain things getting done. When that list gets too long, it can be overwhelming. Asking for help when we need it is an act of self-care and kindness. You probably have friends and loved ones who would love to help you, if only you’d ask. Delegating is also a great way to include younger relatives in taking on some of the family traditions, a sort of passing the torch. And that’s a good thing. 

3. Dress for Comfort

Holiday celebrations can be hectic and leave you breaking a sweat. You may find yourself in places where you can’t turn the A/C on. Add in those pesky hot flashes and it can get really uncomfortable. Don’t let that stop you! You know what to do: dress in layers. Whether you’re attending a family get together or are at a public event, dressing in layers allows you to discreetly adjust and return to comfy cool in no time. 

4. Take Five

When the holiday rush is in full swing, taking a breather is probably the last thing on your mind. But a quick break might be just what you need to power on through without letting stress get you down. Taking small breaks to rest, relax and recharge will help you to handle those stressful moments better and keep you in the holiday spirit. Some ways to relax might include taking your favorite yoga class, getting a mani/pedi, taking a walk or even taking a nap when you need to. 

5. Maintain Your Healthy Habits

“Eat, drink and be merry” is what holidays mean to lots of us. And, of course, you want to enjoy all the yummy treats and special dishes. But too much of even a good thing can wreak havoc on your health and on how you feel. A great way to manage the indulgences and stay feeling good is to stay active and be mindful of what you’re eating and drinking. Make time to exercise – take a walk, take a class or invite a friend to workout with you. Pay attention to what you’re eating. Be sure you’re getting some veggies in and drink your water! Another reason to pay attention to what’s going in? Certain foods are known to trigger hot flashes for some women – caffeine, alcohol and spicy foods are popular culprits. The key here is to be mindful.  

You can enjoy everything the season has to offer without getting stressed out and burned out. Practice those good stress management skills and you’ll breeze through the holidays feeling calm and peaceful and ready to ring in 2020!