Can't Sleep? Try These Tips...

Can't Sleep? Try These Tips...

“Sleep is the golden chain that binds health and our bodies together.”

~~Thomas Dekker

Tossing and turning.

Watching the clock.

Another sleepless night. 

What’s a tired girl to do?

Trouble sleeping is one of the most common complaints from menopausal woman. It’s estimated that about 60% of women going through menopause struggle with sleep. We’re not talking about an occasional sleepless night. We all have those. We’re talking about not being able to sleep night after night. You’re exhausted, irritable and struggling to get through the day.

The sleep problems menopausal women experience are the result of things like night sweats, fluctuating hormones, depression or anxiety. Even thoughts about life’s everyday problems can intrude on your sleep. 

How’s Your Hygiene?

When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, there’s a lot you can do. Good sleep is often the result of practicing good habits that encourage restful sleep. This practice is known as sleep hygiene. Try these easy tips for getting a good night’s sleep.

·      Limit daytime naps to no more than 20-30 minutes. A short nap can improve your level of alertness and performance on tasks. Longer naps can disrupt your natural sleep cycle. 

·      Establish a regular bedtime routine. A regular routine is a signal to the body that sleep time is approaching. Set a regular bedtime. Do something relaxing such as meditation, journaling, listening to soft music or taking a warm bath. 

·      Turn off electronics at least an hour before bed. The blue light emitted by electronics actually suppresses the release of melatonin, the hormone that helps us fall asleep. 

·      Create a comfortable sleep space.Make sure your linens are clean and comfortable. Set the thermostat at a comfortable temperature. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 60-67 degrees as optimal for sleeping.

·      Minimize light intrusion.Light, even dim light, signals your body to be awake. Consider using black-out shades or a sleep mask. Avoid using nightlights or having lamps or TV’s on. 

·      Minimize noise.Nothing will keep you awake more than a ticking clock or a rogue cricket outside your window. Your sleep space should be as quiet as possible. Consider using a white noise machine, a sleep app or even a fan to help block out ambient noise. 

What About the Night Sweats?

So you’re practicing good sleep hygiene and along comes the dreaded night sweats! Never fear! You can’t stop them from happening but there are things you can do to deal with them when they happen.

·      Be a polar bear. Keep your room cool and comfortable. Use a fan if you need to. 

·      Use breathable linens. Opt for breathable, comfortable fabrics like cotton. 

·      Layers are your friend. Layer your linens. After a night sweat, you may get really chilly. Have a lightweight blanket handy so you can add or remove as needed. 

·      Wear breathable, comfy jammies. Again, opt for breathable fabrics. Save the silky stuff for sexy time. 

·      Use a chill pillow or cooling gel pillow

·      Keep moist towelettes by the bed for quick clean up. Night sweats can sometimes be quite intense. Having wipes handy means you can refresh and get back to sleep.

·      Keep some ice water by the bed.You may wake up really thirsty. If you can avoid getting up and turning on lights, you’re more likely to be able to get back to sleep.

·      Practice deep breathing or a simple meditation.Sometimes, night sweats can come with anxiety. Taking some deep breaths, meditating or imagining a calm, cool place can help to reduce anxiety and increase feelings of calm. 

With a little planning and practice, you can get yourself on the path to better sleep. If you find you’re really struggling, it’s ok to have a conversation with your healthcare provider. There may be options to help you get your sleep regulated. 

Try some of these tips and get your zzzz’s on!


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